Air Cargo Terms and Abbreviations - United Worldwide Logistics (2024)

Below is a list of commonly used air cargo terms and abbreviations.If you have a question or an enquiry about any of the below please feel free to contact our Air Freight department we will be happy to help.

A2AAirport-to-airportA2DAirport-to-doorADVAdvise, Advised, AdvisingAEAAssociation of European Airlines (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also)AirlineCompany operating aircraft between steady origin and destination airportsAirmailMail travelling by airAir OperatorCompany operating aircraftAirport-to-airportTransport from an airport of origin to an airport of destinationAllotmentAssigned volume on board of a flight / dayAOGAircraft On Ground ; materials expedited for repair of a grounded aircraftAPAirportARRArrive, Arrived, ArrivalARRAlso a C2K milestone: ARR = cargo and documents arrived at airport of destinationATAAir Transport Association (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also)ATAActual Time of ArrivalATDActual Time of DepartureAuthorisationThe commission to a certain person or body to act on behalf of another person or body ; the person or body can be authorised e.g. to issue air waybills or to collect freightAVILive Animal(s)AWBAir WaybillBacklogAmount of goods still to be delivered or received and for which the planned or agreed date has expiredBAGBaggageBellyLower-deck cargo hold of an aircraftBIGOutsized cargoBlocked-space agreementA continuous reservation (allotment) for space at one or more flight / date combinations with an airlineBonded GoodsGoods on which the customs duty has not yet been paid, and which therefore, are under the control of customs; usually in a Bonded warehouse.Bonded warehouseA depository for goods on which the customs duty has not been paid ; the warehouse proprietor must provide a bond (often in the form of a bank warranty or a mortgage) to the customs authorities as a security for any duties which may not be paid by the customerBookingRequest for reservation of space on a flight/day, (to be) confirmed by the airlineBreak Bulk AgentA forwarder breaking the bulk: taking care of the unpacking and sorting of goods after the flightBreakdown ListList of shipments carried in one consolidation (see also: Consolidation Manifest)BrokerPerson who acts as an agent or intermediary in negotiating contracts ; sometimes refers to a forwarder roleBulk CargoLoose cargo not loaded on an ULDC2KCargo 2000 (see the “Cargo2000”page of this website)Cargo AircraftAircraft built with the purpose of carrying nothing else than cargoCargo assemblyThe separate reception of parcels or packages and the holding of them for later dispatch as one consignment ; consolidator roleCargo DisassemblyThe separation of one or more of the parcels or packages that arepart of a consignment for further distribution ; break bulk roleCarriageTransport ; the process of conveying cargo from one point to anotherCarrierThe party responsible for transport of goods from one point to another, this can be for example an airline or a forwarder (as a NVOCC)CASSCargo Accounts Settlement SystemCAOCargo Aircraft OnlyCCCharges Collect ; pay at moment of collection of the goodsCCSCargo Community System ; information system integrating the communication between air cargo parties at an airportCertificate of OriginA certificate proving the country of original production of goods ; used for customs declaration purposesCharges collectCharges as stated on the air waybill to be collected from the consigneeCharges prepaidCharges as stated on the air waybill to be collected from the shipperClaimA written complaint about the execution of a contract of transportation by a carrier, combined with a demand for financial compensationClassifyingAssigning the right import classification number to goods as part of the customs declaration processCLRClearCNEEConsigneeCOLLCollect, Collected, CollectingCOMATCompany Material (non revenue cargo)CombiCombi Aircraft, combining transport of passengers and cargo on the main-deckCommodityIndication of the type of goods ; commodities are coded according to the harmonised systemCommodity codeCode used in the Harmonised System for the classification of goods, which are most commonly produced and tradedComplaintAn official statement from a customer to a carrier about his unhappiness with the service or operation of the service providerConsigneeThe person or company that is physically and administratively responsible for accepting the goods at final deliveryConsolidationA collection of shipments belonging to different shippers travelling to one destination or area to be distributed to several consigneesConsolidation ManifestList of shipments carried in one consolidationConsolidation RatesRates as given by a consolidator / forwarderConsolidatorA forwarder consolidating shipments before a flight ; these shipments belonging to different shippers and travelling to one destination or area in order to be distributed to several consignees after the flightCourierCompany that carries envelopes and parcels up to75 kgfrom door to door ; air transport is generally outsourced to airlinesCourier RatesRates as given by a courierCPTYCapacityCRNCustoms Release NoteCustoms Agent/Broker (Certified)Party certified to handle the customs clearance on account of importers / exportersCustoms invoice(Pro forma) Invoice for import declaration (customs and statistics) purposes, stating the commercial price, added with the costs for freight, insurance and packing etc., terms of delivery and paymentCustoms valueValue of goods to be imported for import declaration (customs and statistics) purposesD2ADoor-to-airportD2DDoor-to-doorDangerous GoodsGoods that can be hazardous for health, flight-safety or materialsDAPA C2K key performance indicator: DAP = Delivered As Promised (NFD in full and on time statuses are achieved)DEPA C2K milestone: DEP = cargo and documents departed at airport of originDEPTDepartmentDGDangerous GoodsDGRDangerous Goods Regulations (IATA)Dimensional Weight (Conversion)Concept adopted by the transportation industry worldwide as a uniform means of establishing a minimum charge for the cubic space a package occupies ; the volume is converted into a (higher) weight / price classDIMSDimensionsDIPDiplomatic mailDLVDeliver, Delivered, DeliveringDLVAlso a C2K milestone: DLV = cargo and documents delivered to customer (forwarder)DOCSDocument(s), DocumentationDomestic transportTransport within a countryDoor-to-doorTransport from an initial shipper’s house address to a final consignee’s house addressDutyTax imposed on goods imported from another countryEDIElectronic Data InterchangeEDIFACTElectronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport ; a specific EDI protocole-FreightElectronic freight documents project from IATA ; e-Freight aims to take the paper out of the air cargo supply chain and -processes and replace it with cheaper, more accurate and more reliable electronic messaging ; facilitated by IATA, the project is an industry-wide initiative involving carriers, freight forwarders, ground handlers, shippers and customs authoritiesElectronic Data InterchangeThe interchange of electronic data, structured following an agreed protocol, between the automated information system of different partiesEmbargoAn embargo on a certain kind of goods means these goods will not be transported by the airline, often for flight-safety reasonsEquipmentMaterials needed to handle or transport goodsESCEuropean Shippers’ Council (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also)ETAEstimated Time of ArrivalETDEstimated Time of DepartureExpeditingForwarding goods (in less than the normal lead time)ExpeditorForwarderFAKFreight All KindsFAK-RatesRates for Freight All KindsFAPA C2K key performance indicator: FAP = Flown As Planned (the complete shipment has flown at or before the last planned flight with a maximum 12 hour delay)FCLFull Container LoadFDCAFound CargoFFMFreight Forwarding Message (electronic)FIATAInternational Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also)FLTFlightForwarderCompany specialized in providing door-to-airport transport, arranging connecting air transport and/or airport-to-door transport for parcels and consolidations >75 kgor up to anything that fits in an aircraft ; the air transport is generally outsourced to airlines and sometimes aircraft operators or air charter companiesForwarder networkA network existing of different smaller to medium sized forwarding companies all over the world working togetherFreighterAircraft built with the purpose of carrying nothing else than cargoFSUFreight Status UpdateFuel SurchargeSurcharge added to the cargo rate to cover the additional costs of increasing fuel-prices ; these will generally follow a certain indexFull charterChartering the full available volume of an aircraft or flight/dayFull Container LoadContainer fully loaded, generally with goods belonging to one partyFull freighterAircraft built with the purpose of carrying nothing else than cargoFWBElectronic air waybill messageFWBAlso a C2K milestone: FWB = the shipment is booked at the airline, next an electronic air waybill is generated by agent (forwarder) ; this creates the so-called route map in C2K in which all the steps are followedFYIFor Your InformationGeneral Cargo RatesRates for all different kinds of cargo, not falling into a specific handling and/or rate categoryGSAGeneral Sales AgentGSFGlobal Shippers Forum (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also)Handling AgentAgent handling the ramp and/or warehouse cargo operation for an airlineHarmonised SystemA numeric multi purpose system for the classification of goods with its six digits covering about 5000 descriptions of the products or groups of products most commonly produced and traded, designed for customs purposes, but can also be used for statistics, transport purposes, export, import and manufacturing; the international convention on the HS was established under auspices of the World Customs Organisation in 1983HaulageInland transport of cargoHaulierRoad carrierHEAHeavy CargoHAWBHouse Air WaybillHouse Air WaybillThe shipment contract between the end-customer and the forwarder (see the page “Forwarding Out” of this website for further purposes and explanation)HubCentral point in a transport system or networkHUMHuman remainsHWBHouse WaybillIATAInternational Air Transport Association (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also)IATA-AgentAn IATA certified agentICALInbound Cargo Action ListICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organisation (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also)ICEDry Ice ShipmentINInchesInco termsInternationally agreed set of standard delivery termsIntegratorCarrier integrating different modes of transport to form a door-to-door transport or supply chain ; this term mostly refers to the large international express companies who’s core business is to carry envelopes and parcels up to75 kg, often overnight or even same dayIntermodal TransportThe movement of cargo in a supply chain by more than one mode of transport ; for example road/air or sea/air transportINVInvoiceISAIf Space AvailableKGKilosL/CLetter of CreditLCLLess than Container LoadLess than Container LoadContainer partly filled with goods from one party, or an amount of goods that is not sufficient to fill one container and will therefore likely be consolidatedLHOLiving Human Organs / BloodLicense, import/exportGovernmental permit to import / export certain goods under certain conditionsLine itemOrder line, each line on a packing list or invoice to be declared for customsLoad factorThe extent to which the aircraft (weight-, volume-, ULD-) capacity is efficiently utilized (to generate profit)LOCLocationLoose cargo/shipmentsCargo / shipments not loaded on an ULDLower DeckThe (cargo) deck below the main deck or upper deck of an aircraftLTLocal TimeMain deckUpper deck ; the (cargo) deck abovethe lower deck of an aircraftManifest, flightDocument listing the air waybills and a specification of the related goods carried on a flightMaster Air WaybillThe shipment contract between the forwarder and the airline (see the page “Forwarding Out” of this website for further purposes and explanation)MAWBMaster Air WaybillMFSTManifestMinimum RateRate to cover the basic costs of carrying a shipmentMSGMessage(s)Network ForwarderA large forwarding company with worldwide branchesNFDA C2K milestone: NFD = cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline (handler), the customer (forwarder) is notifiedNNDNotice of Non DeliveryNON-IATAAirline or agent that is not a member of IATANose loadingLoading cargo through the cargo door in the nose of an aircraftNotify addressAddress of a party other than the consignee to be notified of arrival of the goodsNotify partyParty other than the consignee to be notified of arrival of the goodsNOTOCNotification To Captain ; list for the captain of the aircraft with goods carried on boardN-RatesRates for shipments with weights up to45 kgNVOCCNon Vessel Operating/Owning Cargo Carrier ; in case of Air Cargo a Carrier (e.g. a Forwarder or Consolidator) who issues Air Waybills for the carriage of cargo on aircraft which he does notoperate or ownOAGOfficial Airlines GuideOBOn BoardOversized CargoCargo that exceeds the dimensions of an ULDPackagePacked piece of cargoPacking listA list for customs declaration and consignment purposes stating number and kinds of packages being shipped, totals of gross, legal, and net weights of the packages, marks and numbers on the packages, contents and part-/serialnumbersPalletA (standardized) platform on which goods can be stacked for transport or warehouse handling purposesPallet, aircraftA (standardized) platform on which goods can be stacked for air transport purposesPallet netA net used to secure the cargo on the aircraft palletParcelPackagePart charterChartering of a part of the available volume on an aircraft or flight/dayPart shipmentPart of a shipment that travels on a different flight and/or day than the rest of the shipment due to available capacity with the airlinePAXPassenger(s)PayloadThe (cargo) load that can be carried by an aircraft (to generate revenue)PCPiece(s)PERPerishable CargoPFIPro Forma InvoicePOAProof Of Acceptance ; legal proof a shipment has been accepted by a partyPODProof Of Delivery ; legal proof a shipment has been delivered by a partyPODPlace Of DeliveryPPCharges PrepaidPPDPrepaidPre-alertMessage stating the current and or expected status of the goodsPrincipalThe customer ordering the transport or related servicesPSHPart ShipmentQNTYQuantityQ-RatesRates with a quantity discountRCFA C2K milestone: RCF = cargo has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination ; cargo and airwaybill are administratively received in the systemRCPTReceipt, ReceptionRCSA C2K milestone: RCS = cargo and documents are received ‘Ready For Carriage’ and accepted by airline (handler)Ready For Carriage(By Air) The goods are correctly packed and labeled, and customs cleared, with the right documents attachedReady For Transport(By Road) The goods are correctly packed and labeled, with the right documents attachedRFCReady For CarriageRFTReady For TransportRoutingThe path that is (to be) followed by the goods from shipper to consigneeRUSHRRush ReplySASPOAs Soon As PossibleSAWBSubstitute Air WaybillSecurity SurchargeSurcharge added to the cargo rate to cover the additional costs of the increasing number of security checks and related administration that are legally required by the authoritiesShipperThe person or company that is physically and administratively responsible for shipping the goods ; for an airline in most cases a forwarder will be the shipper, for a forwarder the shipper is a third party, for example a trading company, a manufacturer, etc.Shipper’s Letter of InstructionDocument issued by the shipper to instruct and authorize the forwarder to forward and declare goods on his behalf ; contains all shipment details needed to facilitate these servicesSHPMNTShipmentSide loadingLoading cargo through a cargo door in the side of an aircraftSkidPalletS/LShort LoadedSLIShipper’s Letter of InstructionSSPDShort Shipped ; stayed behindTACTThe Air Cargo Tariff ; publication of official airline tariffsTBATime Before ArrivalTBDTime Before DepartureTEMPTemperatureTIACAThe International Air Cargo Association (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also)TILNATilting Not AllowedTILTATilting AllowedTime SlotThe agreed time to collect or deliver goodsTonne KilometerOne tonne (1000 kgor2204.6 lb) metric flown one kilometer ; productivity indicatorTRATransitTracingRetrieving (information on) the status of goods and documentsTrackingRegular checking on the status of goods and documentsTrack & TraceAutomated regular retrieval of (information on) the status of goods and documents and checking these against the agreed normsTransfer cargoTransfer of cargo from one flight to anotherTransito / Transit cargoTransfer of cargo from one flight to anotherTRMTransfer ManifestTTLTotalULDUnit Load DeviceULD, contouredUnit Load Device shaped to exactly fit in an aircraftUNACCUnaccompaniedUnit Load DeviceStandardized air cargo loading equipment (pallet, container)Upper deckMain deck ; the (cargo) deck abovethe lower deck of an aircraftVALValuable cargoVATValue Added TaxVOLVolumeVolume chargeAir transport charge based on the volume of goods instead of the actual weight (see “Dimensional Weight” and “Weight charge” also)VUNVulnerable cargoWeight chargeAir transport charge based on the actual weight of the goods (see “Dimensional Weight” and “Volume charge” also)Weight & BalanceManagement of the weight and allocation of cargo, passengers and fuel for a flightW/HWarehouseXPSPriority Small PackageXSIn ExcessYield managementThe process of maximising the contribution (revenue) of the (transport & handling) network, equipment, infrastructure and resources
Air Cargo Terms and Abbreviations - United Worldwide Logistics (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.