The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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1 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY MARCH 28 1954 ARM AND GARDEN ARM AND GARDEN nursery grown ft HEADQUARTERS OR TREES SHADE TREES ORNAMENTAL TREES RUIT TREES SUGAR MAPLE 15' 1350 KWANZAN CHERRY 4 7' 595 fE ft 1 CHINESE ELM wo with SPRUCE BLUE 2 OR ONLY 10 for $250 25 for $500 and many others more POPULAR PRICED Dop ea 29' '1 a OPEN 27330 DETROIT RD (at Cahoon) TR 1 3761 WESTLAKE OHIO 5 BULBS and ROOTS ROSE BUSHES Hower and Vegetable SEEDS GARDEN TRACTOR Better Homes GRASS SEED COLLECTION PACKAGES 2939 advantage so home owner is Cardinal ladlnqi REVERSE AND ORWARD SPEED quality tested STOPLIGHT: Scarlet MkDONNk: Snow While tSQUIRE: New Puipie lowers appealing from June until late summer are borne on stout stems to 24 inches long and blossoms often measure four inches across RADISHES PARSLEY TURNIPS BEETS SPINACH PINKS MARIGOLD LARKSPUR ALYSSUM 40c 350 125 150 49J :395 350 255 CARROTS LETTUCE NASTURTIUM SWEET PEAS MORNING GLORY from America's most reliable developed to give the best results in this local climate PARK GRASS SEED MERION BLUE GRASS MIX SHADY GRASS SEED WILD WHITE CLOVER Kiss the long hours of labor goodbye Buy a Implements forvery GARDEN TRACTOR JOB 1 and 2 WHEELS PEAT MOSS 14 bu SCOTT TUR BUILDER 50 Ibi TRIPLE XXX 50 Ibi VIGORO 50 lbs Greater safety for children pets and property with 'Galv A wide selection of special strains and oldtime all tested for germination and vigorous growth GARDEN MART Dept 94 1619 Keo Way Dea Moines Iowa Namo i Addres Amt Enclosed catalog value $2525 A WONDERUL BY MAIL OER The Most Beautiful TREE of ALL nf the movies 2 3h 4 12 TIRES Ask 4 rat A TRULY DOUBLE Shasta daisy with firm rounded blooms resembling a chrysan themum is this frosty white variety named Horace Read A jectionable features have been overcome In the varieties Still another far as the tired concerned is that it reduces fall leaf raking Leaves that the honeylocust sheds are small in size and in volume andTgarden i No on sells qualify for lass ALL VARIETIES LOWERING shrubs vines AND HEDGES 100 Varieties Potted Roses We Carry Parts or and Repair Everything We Sell 48 year I ft business In Westlake We will bo here wnen you Phone Bill or Mary TR 27223 Center Ridge Westlake Ohio is sn RWAN7AM CHERRY 4 7' 1350 LOWERING CRABS 5 Rd Pink Whit 1095 PURPLE LEA PLUM 4 1450 Paul SCARLET THORN 5' 495 WHITE DOGWOOD 4 1450 PINK DOGWOOD 4 1150 LOWER PEACH 3 4' 2250 MOUNTAIN ASH 4 8' 1350 JAP RED MAPLE 2' 495 WHITE BIRCH 8' 195 PURPLE ILBERT 3 PERENNIALS field LOWERING SHRUBS hardy varieties ea 79 LOWERS CRIMSON GLORY (175 alu) Un lurpessed among th red Rosel Velvety deep red blooms RED HOWARD (250 alu) A IVS2 prise winner Larqa buff allow blooms GOLDIN SCIPTIR (2 00 value) The yellowest of yellow Roses GOOD NEWS (2 00) Splendid high quality Rose Light coppery pinkish and changing to bronzy yellow in the fall MILIN TRAUBIL (275 value) Deli cately blended coloring changingo warm apricot in the fall KATHIRINI MARSHALL (175 value) A fine rota with lovely buds Warm pink ftawert that have a luffuslon of yellow need us 1 3444 Rd inest strains from healthy young plants will give you hardy plants that bl6ompro fusely Gladiolas dot 59 Rubrum Lilies 39 Double Begonias 2 for 29 Dahlias box 29 Hare's a won derful buy in small three year old Blue Spruce Trees These are extra blue every year By Bess Howells CiZ Garden Editor l'lTo matter vvhat the calendar RWy spring arrives at a dif ferent time for each of us It tnay be the first robin or crocus the sound of roller skates whir ling over the sidewalks a teen erbert for ence for Every Purpose ERBERT ENCE CO 4900 Lexington Ate HE 1 3225 12 I i ous varieties in a most com plete color range Will give you a lovely garden all this sum mer a for many years 1954 avorite Dozen 12 Roses for only Call 1 2791 LI 1 4583 RE 1 3687 29 59 vote to the project and the type of soil in our garden Most of us and around Cleveland have a heavy clay soil which often does not become workable until late in May If you have this type of soil April is quite early enough to start most of vour seeds indoors The general run of annuals can tie started most any time in the next two or three weeks If you have a cold frame in which to harden off your seed lings gradually you can advance your planting dates indoors To matoes egg plant and peppers can be started now Sunshine Necessary Remember that sunshine is an lis all important requisite to raise nrn The tile nanv seedlings i mi snnuiu correct time to have a window that will provide i 4t pi ei Hiiiy ic for at least half NOCTURNE (200 lu) rd with inlriquinq dark th PEACE (2 50 valul Broad palaa ara liqnt fallow flu had and adqad pink REX ANDERSON (175 value) Ek umaly larqa whi bloom art of beautiful form SATURNIA (1 75 value) GloHou multicolored bloom Brilliant car mine red on the face with a reverie of jalmon veilow and copper SYMPHONIE (2S0 value) lb lb lb lb Springs Debut LiftsLid on Seed Planting I 495 PEACH PEAR 595 SWEET CHERRY 795 SOUR CHERRY495 PLUM 1295NECTARINE 250 APRICOT 495 DWAR APPLE595 DWAR PEAR 8755 IN APPLE 295 QUINCE SEEDS ERTILIZERS Jt Catalog on Requoit CO 10421 EUCLID CEdor 1 1140 Garden Supply Dealers of Northrn Ohio WHOLESALE CATALOG NOW AVAILABLE from OW leading garden supply Tour single source for every important garden Im CAHOON NURSERY DAILY and SUNDAY TILL DARK Hardy 2 year field grown Early everblooming varieties Climbers long stems floribundas Enjoy picture pretty everblooming roses at their finest in dazzling red white pink and orange We have all the finest varieties well rooted and carefully packed Jumbo Size Roses $11 9 Patented Rose Bushes $149 and up Landscape Garden Maintaining Service ree Estimates HORTICULTURAL SUPPLY COMPANY 666 BROADWAY CLEVELAND 5 OHIO 402 Euclid 2180 Brookpark Rd 25871 Euclid Ave 11008 Lorain Ave 10514 St Clair Ave 8409 Carnegie 5140 Pearl Rd 10310 Euclid Ave 216 Euclid 15818 Broadway (Maple Heights) Mayfield Rd 4087 Lee 1890 West 25th 16801 Kinsman 5700 Broadway Aho availabl In Krig Storot In Manifilct Canton Sanduiky Warrn Marion Painesville remont Mount Vernon Lorain and ostoria 10 89 EVERGREENS Complete line of Junipers Arborvitae Taxus Rhododendrons A graduate horticulturist is available for consultation on all your problems CALL OR REE ESTIMATE TALLYHO (200 valua) lntd Is a unique shade of pink and the out side dusty crimson Drive out ony time Open every day including or order by mall MELVIN WYANT ROSE SPECIALISTS INC Johnny Cake Ridge Rd Mentor Ohio Roefe 14 1 Mlles East of Mentor enrAB Mime sc' RED MAPLE 15' AB CRIMSON KING MAPLE 8 SCHWEDLER MAPLE 8' Mi PIN OAK 12' gfl CHINESE ELM 8' LONDON PLANE 12' MORAINE UOCUST 8 10' A3 THORNLESS LOCUST jSTj TULIP TREE 15' Mi WEEPING WILLOW 8 LOMBARDY POPLAR 4 8' they more colorful Order ihess trees that represent the peak tn hardiness charm and beauty Planting instructions guaranteed to grow Order today send cash check or money order we pay postage CIPT IMPORTED BULB Order now and get this rare imported flower SEND OR REE CATALOG Please Print to 8 If 395 ea A mixture of carefully selected expertly blended A grass seeds to make a beautifully matted lawn PA lb ERTILIZERS tvery type of soil VIGORO 5 53 SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL 39 ROSE OOD i age sigh or the drive in Whatever is your sign of spring if you are a gar dener it prompts you to start sow ing seeds indoors The novice oltcn will feel so inspired uiai 11 too SOO the day Without sunshine the seedlings will grow all and spindly and eventually collapse Space is also important Seed lings will need transplanting when they begin to show their second true leaves and such transplanted seedlings will re quire considerably'' more space You can sow as many as 40 to 50 seeds in a five inch pot but upon transplanting the seedlings will require 10 to 20 times that amount of space You may sow your seeds in pots or flats Whichever you use be sure to irovide good drainage Use a coarse material at Die bottom of the container such as broken pieces of pots gravel or coaise leafnjold Mixture Needs Sand A good mixture to use for starting seed is one part good garden loam and one part peat moss leal mold or compost with about half the bull? of the final mixture sand The soil should have a gritty feeling Mix Hie ingredients thoroughly and pass through a quarter inch screen Place his mixture over tlie drainage material and tamp it down firmly and evenly The soil surface should be a half inch below the rim of the con tainer If the seed you are sow ing is very fine the surface soil should be more finely sifted Do not sow the seed too thick ly and do not cover deeply Barely out of sight is a good rule to follow in covering the seed The finer the seed the i more shallow the covering Overcrowding encourages damping off so remove some of the seedlings tney are growing too thick If you can not pull them out without dis turbing the other's root systems nip them out with a pair of scissors Guard Against Damping Off It is an excellent idea to treat most seed with a fungicide be fore sowing This is a precaution against damping off The fungi cides are sold at jour seed store under various trade names' and full directions will be on the package Over watering is also the cause ofjiainping off When ARMLAND JiAKDIN 6DAHLIAS 55 Supply Limited) Labeled Poilpaid So CC Ds A uuur Ht urteniai RUBELLITE: Ruby Red tPflt inrirnf GLADIOLUS: ine Bulbs No Colors 51 DAHI I VGIAIb hi i Mlddlrbotn hp XV Thornless Honeylocust Gaining Popularity A honey of a tree is one of the top contendr is in ar boreal beauty contest It's the thornless honeylocust graceful fast growing spe cies that is at home in a wide range of soils throughout the temperate zone A number of selected clones' are already on the market and' several others are being devel i oped by nurserymen and plant propagators New varieties will range from tall vase forms to broad semidwarf types and may include some with golden tips Many gardeners and home owners pick the thornless honey locust for the beauty throne long held by the American elm until its planting was restricted be cause of the Dutch elm disease Resides being among the love liest trees these new honey locusts are especially popular be cause of their good resistance to wind and storm damage in sects and other tree ailments As shade trees they do not throw the dense shadows of maples and oaks but this is often a virtue where lawn main tenance is a problem Home owners con fuse the thornless species with the native honeylocust which has vicious thorns and sparser blanching Roth of these ob ARM AND ARDEN LOMBARDY POPLARS 3 4 65c each 10 435 New top award winners in test garden trials made throughout the country Selected the finest for vigor color and growing qualities ALYSSUM duarj royal carpet pkg 20 ASTERS new pom poms 15 20 PETUNIAS newd warff varieties pkg 25 50 ZINNIAS a TREES 195 tree I 225 250 395 '395 250 is dependent upon your lull sunshine the time vou can de morning sun ARM AND GARDEN ARM AND GARDEN Peony Roots 49 Lily Bulbs ea 29 Canna Bulbs 4 for 39 Amaryllis ea 29 possible water from the bot tom of your container until the soil surface becomes moist Then allow the container to drain off the excess Vermiculite is a good medium in which to start your seeds It is completely sterile and therefore (he fungus Which causes damping off is not pres ent It moisture well and is very light so delicate roots can easily penetrate it and transplanting is easy Since it contains no food the seedlings should be fed after germination with a liquid plant food A covering of glass over your container will create greenhouse conditions for vour seed Be sure your temperature is not too high (10 to 65 degrees is about per fect and garden Extra Special Value on pack ages of seed varieties choice Oflt of sweet peas petunias zinnias and snap dragons i fry if a fXZ LX' AV 1 1 1 HM I' Tri 1 si lr lr BL Bj WB 1 I vWt 1 I I I WCHttB "VryBaaal I I WZJE3 Iftiw A I IX I id's 4 lra9HB I I I (ENTER B'OAt kl :4 A 'nW' 1 1 A 25 35 'i acfsj meuS3 A Yb es Xu rs iffy iJr I SUI Anchor pence BBTtfifTPHi 1 BMflBNBNHBRBHMHVBIMVVwlE 1 EwiEMUBEjBL hsBMBB Mil 1 1 WKWllffi 3.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Views: 5347

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.